Tuesday, January 01, 2008

No manure, no magic...

Hmm... watched I "heart" Huckabees today with Jim, we both caught that line.

Awesome really... it explains a lot :))

Hehe. It doesn't make the manure smell better, but it does explain the need for the manure.

Anyways... the holidays are done, the partying isn't (I figure that 2008 ought be a party unto itself, why let the party end?? I won't let it ;)

In reflection today, I realized that (once again) there is meaning in everything, but the meaning that we find is our own. We can apply meaning to anything, and that can be our truth, but it is only our truth. It might, by some "coincidence" also be someone else's truth, but that's not relevant. When we apply meaning to something, it is our meaning... and it may only be true to us.

Yeah, the forest is thick baby... but look deeper.

We choose to apply meaning to every single experience in life, from birth to death. No experience is actually positive or negative, happy or sad - unless we say it is... that is us applying meaning to an experience. It is our personal truth.

Death is not bad, it's you that decides it is bad.

Birth is not good, unless you decide that it is.

Try to filter life through those glasses, and things will become more clear.

Choose meaning, and try to choose the positive meaning... why piss around with the negative? There's no point, no point at all.

Ok... /rant off :)

I hope that everyone's new year is off to a fantastic start.

For me, work begins again tomorrow, and I have to see if my pants still fit, then adjust the lifestyle accordingly (back to the grindstone folks, the elastic pants aren't allowed at work ;)

Hugs all.

Peace out.


(hugs implied)

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