Saturday, July 01, 2006

The journey isn't anywhere near over...

I started this thing with the intention of keeping people that were interested in knowing what was going on at this end "in the loop" and I have done a real crap job of that since returning from Australia... so here is my first effort at rectifying that :)

We are very much back in Edmonton, with training back on track (more or less for me, absolutely for Alli :) I guess in all reality, training has been less than optimal, but I am more or less back on track. This weekend and next are races, so they are a bit of "a break" then it's back onto the hardcore plan, need to get all things in order - Ironman Canada is in 57 days. I feel that the fitness in the tank, but I need to do some fine tuning over the next 50 days :)

So... this weekend is Great White North - a half ironman distance race held in Stony Plain, just outside of Edmonton. The weather forecast is looking good - says high of 27 degrees, and with the race starting at 8:00 AM I should be well and truly finished prior to the serious arrival of the "serious" heat or the potential thundershowers. Will check the weather prior to departure tomorrow.

Tomorrow's race holds a bit of a story - my buddy Todd and I agreed to race the bike leg of the course... the winner taking a yellow jersey. The idea was that we would both be motivated to train harder than the other on the bike, if nothing else. I really figured Todd would pull it all out in the training, but he seems pretty convinced that I will win tomorrow - only time will tell. Race is from T1 to T2, will report back on who is the big winner post-race.

Great White North is also a big race for Alli - she's shooting for a spot at Ironman Canada, for which GWN is a qualifier. Her age group is larger than normal (61/700 - just under 9% of the field). My age group on the other hand, is 144 large, or about 21% of the total field. All that whining done, I am already signed up for IMC so there's really no pressure for me ;)

Next weekend is ITU in Edmonton, an Olympic distance race that will hold qualifying spots for the ITU age group world championships in Switzerland, which I am going to take a serious shot at - I would really like to visit Switzerland in September, so let's see if I can pull it off!! More on this to follow.

In other news, I am doing a couple of boot camps, and now employed on contract by a company called Fifth Dimension Software - they make blood tracking software, and I am helping them out while they do a massive rollout for a major American customer :)

Ok - time to get out for my pre-race bubble tea. Race report to follow...

1 comment:

Jordan said...

Hi there, I've been following your blog - thought I'd post a comment here. Finished my first 1/2 Ironman distance at GWN last weekend and sure wish I had been done before the worst of the heat!

I'd love to get faster - maybe someday.

Anyway, my goal is IMC 2007.

Good luck and happy training!