Sunday, July 09, 2006

Results, results, results....

Before I even begin, I wanted to say "hello" to Jordan who dropped me a line just the other day. Apparently Jordan has been following along, and was out there on course with me at GWN last weekend. It was a brutal day by all accounts - and despite my best efforts to "avoid" the heat, I was caught in the worst of it on the run, with not enough fluid OR calories in my system to even begin the run. I should have done a 1:40 half marathon, but ended up doing a fair bit of walking, much to the chagrin of my coach. Hmm... have I been there before... according to my mother, I have, many times (in fact, just two weeks prior at K-100 ;)

Well, anyways - things were a bit slow towards the end of the bike, but overall I was pleased with my swim and bike splits - and we just won't talk about that run. Ok, I will talk about it, but just briefly... I managed to sort things out after half-way, but it was a bit too late for me. What do you know, another negative split (yeehaw).

Congratulations to Jordan for finishing that sucker... it was BRUTAL hot for the first time in history, according to those that have done it before (I was also a virgin to this race ;)

Oh yeah - Alli cleaned my clock on the run, and passed me at about 12k in - she didn't look back, and finished solid - just over five hours.

Well, it was a week of relaxed training, including a leisurely 80k ride yesterday... then onto ITU Edmonton for little Sunday morning Olympic distance action.

The swim was OK - I haven't seen all of the results, but I was out of the water first in my age group, which was cool... then onto my (never used) Kestrel for a ride through the hills in the river valley. That was fun, but not exactly speedy. I was about eight minutes shy of where I wanted to be on the bike... my legs didn't have any more speed in them :( Ah well... the run went OK, my recorded split on the run was 44:46, which is also a bit slower than I would have preferred, but given the circumstances, I am content... finished third in my age group which qualified me for the World Championships in Switzerland.

Now - I am nowhere near a contender for ANYTHING in Switzerland (save for the bottom half of the pack) BUT I have signed up to go do it, just for fun. I think it will be cool to hang out with some of the best athletes in Canada and the world... for a few days :))

Well, that's about all that I have for now, but keep an eye out here as training progresses. The next 48 days are all that remains of training opportunity for me pre-Ironman, and I have a few things to sort out in those 48 days ;) Only 54 days remain until the world championships... and ditto :)

If things get a little boring in this blog (I am a wee bit short of time at the moment :) check this out, I am logging all of my training here now:

You can see all of my upcoming events, along with everything that I am doing... including weekly and monthly summaries. It is a new (free) service which is wonderful, even if lacking a few small things. Enjoy!!

1 comment:

Jordan said...

Hey! I feel so special! Thanks for the welcome :)

I look forward to continue reading about your journey :)