Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Today was... a day :*)

Well... I find myself somewhere on the coast of Costa Rica, without a map, without a book, and without dinner in my belly. That said, I have discovered the differences between a $20 hotel room and a $40 hotel room are... in no particular order:

- Toilet paper
- Soap included
- TOWEL included!!
- Hot water in the shower (if only it would work)
- AIR Conditioning!!

So, I have decided that not having a map or a guidbook was the worst possible decision. If only... d'oh. My favourite last words.

I find myself in Puntarenas, which is somewhere on the West Coast according to Google Maps. I seem to be surrounded by water, that is what I do know, and incredibly enough, I have internet access across from my hotel. Damn I am hungry.

Yes... so in my infinite of infinite wisdom, I figured I would take a run before dinner, then I found myself running around in circles looking for my hotel... three laps later, I found my hotel again, along with an Internet Cafe and a convenience store.

Next stop dinner.

Not sure where I will end up next, but guessing that I will shoot for San Jose... I really want to visit the housing projects more than anything, though having trouble connecting with Dexter too... argh.

To be continued...

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