Saturday, March 08, 2008

Letting go of it all...

Life is funny.

Have I said that before?

Yeah, I think that I really have :))

The lesson of the year is about letting go. Attachment to all things holds us back. Detachment allows us to move forward.

Like really.

It's not complicated - it's like trying to drive around in your car with your emergency brake on. You will move forward, but not likely very quickly, and not without smoke ;)

I have confirmed that life is just like that.

You take that brake off, and you move forward. It is inevitable... it is beautiful.

Life is awesome... some days it's hard to get out of bed in the morning, but that doesn't mean I am not enjoying myself, it just means that sleep is optional right now ;)


So... where are you at my friends?

There's a few of you out there that have put miles on in the way of progress in the last two years, but I haven't heard from you. I trust that all is well... but feel free to tell me how it's going.

I love hearing from you, even if you don't hear from me... know that :)

Things are progressing rapidly, business is set to more than triple this year, and I know it will... just putting all the people and the pieces into place to ensure our success in the coming years. It's looking awesome, and I am stoked.

I am moving in a few weeks... as much as I despise moving, I am going to have an abundance of help, and it's time to lose the attachment to some of the material things that I have grown attached to in my life, along with the slightly less material things ;)


I think that a celebration is in order - soon I think.

Ok folks... hold me to that.


Stand by for more... it's coming!!



1 comment:

Jordan said...

I've been learning the art of detachment too. One of life's biggest lessons but I'm sure on the other side of letting go there are amazing opportunities.