Tuesday, April 06, 2010

And the adventure continues...

Wow, it's been a long time. I think that's probably an understatement, given that my last post was in June of 2009.

Ah well, I won't let that bit slow me down.

The adventure certainly has continued, and continues each day.

And the training has started again. Without a goal race, I am wafting in the wind a little bit, but I am working out the details of that.

For those of you who have not been following along, there has been quite a bit of back and forth with me over the last two years. For me, it felt like things were stuck... and for all intents and purposes they were.

I was stuck.

The good news (or the news, if you will) is that I am no longer stuck.

Last year on my pilgrimage, I got clear... really clear, on what it was that I wanted... then I put the manifestation wheels into motion, and it seems that all pistons are firing now.

The intentions that I put out there are all in serious motion, the last bit is to start moving again... I would say competing, but I only really want to compete with me... so if competing describes what I am doing, then so be it :)

This is a short note... mainly to say that I am back on, and that I am moving forward again... for any of those that were watching ;)

Hugs all... and stand by for more. Soon. Very soon.


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