Monday, March 06, 2006


We got into a discussion the other day about karma, and Alli and I got to talking about it further (nevermind the fact that my sister mentions the word daily it seems).

The reason that the conversation started was a discussion about why a child, perhaps only just barely born, might end up with a terminal illness. The thought was that perhaps that child was affected by "bad karma".

I tried to discuss karma with Alli then realized that I was well and truly in over my head. It seems that karma is largely misunderstood and incorrectly used by the western world... in that most of us don't even believe in past or future lives, so karma is largely not relevant.

I found a good explanation of karma, for those that are interested, here.

Seems that our interpretation of 'bad karma' is a bit misled.

What does this have to do with Ironman or my adventure? Read it and decide for yourself, essentially everything :)

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