Friday, May 04, 2007

The quantity obsession...

This is my random thought post of the day... it seems that we, as a society, are obsessed with more, not better. And this is sort of a "more at all costs" endeavor.

Not cool.

I began thinking about it today, as I passed a dentist's office in downtown Calgary. There was a sign that said something to the effect of... "Children smile 400 times a day on average, Women smile 70 times a day on average, Men smile 8 times a day."

Now... I think the point of the sign is obvious, but it got me to thinking... one GRAND smile should be worth more than one insincere smile, but how does one measure the quality of the smile. And what about the length? Surely if I start smiling in the morning when I get out of bed, and don't stop until I fall asleep, that smile must be worth more than 100 small smiles, no?

Now... perhaps I am beating the point to death, but we seem to get sucked into this notion that more is better, when clearly this is seldom the case. We are consumed by the idea that we should have "more for less" and that this is good. Hence Walmart is the leading retailer on the planet... ayeee.

I feel that I have been sucked into this in past, and it scares me a bit, because I like to think that less is more (I once heard that "Les is more" but that was about something entirely different ;) Teehee... I do believe in moderation, and possibly even scarcity... when you have too much, you don't know what it's like to have nothing... and there's nothing left to dream about.

That ring true? Anyone still reading?

Well... for those still obsessed with quantity, I got 2,000m in tonight at the pool. Was supposed to be 2,900 - but I cut it short in the name of quality ;)

Have a great Friday everyone! over/out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Okay I agree that less is more, in most cases, but when I smile the world smiles back at me... I feel happier and that's what matters.

As far as material stuff, NEVER stop striving to improve - Now that does not mean at all costs... Place a value on items (ie time doing tri stuff) that have no material value....

Being a minimalist (which is what I assume you are debating) can hold you back.... just like in training the harder you push yourself (within limits) the greater your results and there is always more to achieve. Its not the stuff it is the experience