Monday, February 06, 2006

Bottled water fraud...

I have always found it fascinating that the bottled water manufacturers have been able to command a price higher than that of gasoline for mere water. Think about it - how can it possibly cost more to process water than it does to process crude oil into gasoline?

Not possible.

Add the bottles to the landfills... what a disaster.

But, when you do the math - you can see that this is money all being wasted. The bottled water you buy is little more than filtered tap water - and profit for the big guys.

Clearly there is a better way to do this...

If you're keen on drinking water, and the stuff from the tap isn't good enough, maybe you should invest in a filter for your home - and you can share your love of filtered tap water with your entire family :)

Then, take the money and put it to good use - give it to an organization that might actually help out thirld world countries by providing them with potable water.

The world could be a better place for it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hear! Hear!
We've used a home filter for years and the cost is minimal compared to the retail price of bottled water, plus there's minimal landfill issues as well. And we take it with us in the car in our personal water bottles, on the bikes, when hiking, etc. and it's great.