Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Race this weekend...

Well, Alli and I will be taking the train out of Melbourne come Friday morning, to a quaint little place called Torquay. It's a bit of a surfing town, with all the surf shops, surfers and waves :)

We are not, however, heading out there to surf, or to shop... but heading out for a bit of a race weekend in the middle of training (so don't expect any great results from this weekend :)

We are doing two races - first a little open water swim to start things off at the Bluff to Beach open water swim. A nice 1.2km open water swim to start things off on Saturday morning - around 11:00. It seems that the starting field is quite small (currently only 34 folks entered in the race, but things could change in the next few days). If things stay that small, they may only have a single wave start... but time will tell on that one. I plan on heading out for my long ride Saturday morning, then heading to the beach for this little swim (not quite the right order, but beggars cannot be choosers - and I have to fit all my training in on the weekend, despite the big race).

Come Sunday, we will be lining up to do a half ironman called the Surf Coast Triathlon. It will be an exciting day, as it is also the Victorian long course qualifier. The distances in this race will be roughly half of the full Ironman, which is now just six weeks away!! Precise distances are 2km swim, 80km bike, and a 20km run (so everything but the swim is a bit short - which is fine by me ;)

We are excited to get things rolling this early in the season - the race should be a good one.

And like I said - six weeks remaining to Ironman Australia!!

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