Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Happy Thursday

Race to the top of the Empire State Building

Now, doesn't that look like a trip? Two miles up the stairs. Note that the winner did this in 10:19 - that's just over a five minute mile, if the distance is actually two miles.


So... I got an email this morning from a friend back home who is also training for Ironman Canada. I am going to steal a quote from her email (without revealing her identity ;)

"Today I feel really tired and just can't seem to get my act together to go for a swim and then a run later on. Do you ever have those days?"

Well, I may not have said it yet, but BOY OH BOY do I ever have those days... and frankly, some days I don't go for a swim OR a run on those days.

Yes, truth be told, I have been known to take a day off from training, or skip a workout. It happens.

Marc's rule is simple, you go out and give every workout a go - if you give it a solid ten minutes into the workout and it isn't happening, then turn around.

Let's just say that I have not been perfect at doing that.

The training plan does not have a rest day (as in a complete day off) even though there are "easier" days... this can make it quite demanding - both mentally and physically.

That, however, is what I signed up for... and I am getting better!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Marc's rule is simple, you go out and give every workout a go - if you give it a solid ten minutes into the workout and it isn't happening, then turn around."

"The training plan does not have a rest day (as in a complete day off) even though there are "easier" days... this can make it quite demanding - both mentally and physically."

Two things: whoever Marc is, he's got it half right. If you can get out the door, you can probably do the workout. That said, the second quote there is just plain wrong. You've got to be at it a long time to build your body up to not taking days off. Recovery is the most important part of training. Taking a full day off every week, or even every 10 days will help your training more than slugging through a garbage run or bike or swim.

Not sure where you are getting your training program, but I would question any program that calls for no days off for someone at your level (30min for 8k, if that is the Beat Beethoven distance).