Thursday, October 30, 2008
This year I posted a record number of FTS's - it's a bit embarrassing to admit, but an FTS is a Fail To Show. If I count the number of races that I signed up for and failed to attend, that was a new record. If I count all the things in life that I committed to and failed to appear at, I may have not only set a personal record, but a regional record.
If it sounds like I am being hard on myself, you are probably right. It's about time to be hard on me. And it is time to change the behavior.
So... per the title, FTS vs DNF - it goes like this. If you start a race and don't finish, that's a DNF. That can be very uncomfortable for most of us. Failing to finish something that we start is very bothersome.
FTS - I have coined this phrase, or at least I am taking credit today for the acronym. We have all failed to show for something or another... and I think it bothers all of us, very probably MORE than failing to finish.
This isn't about excuses folks, because excuses are never a reason for failure. Excuses are useless.
So I won't bother with excuses, reasons or justifications - real or not.
I haven't been showing up. Not for races. Not for life.
Today I am showing up. And I remain accountable to me.
I hope everyone out there in my world is having an awesome day. Mine is awesome, so I will leave you with my thought for today.
If you think that world peace and universal love are not possible, it's high time to start thinking outside the box.
Over and out my crazy friends. I need to get a run in, before I forget what running is :))
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
The Big Deal About Water
Water is the source of life on this planet. Without water, we would not exist. It is in every living cell and organism. We cannot function without water... in fact, the human body is 75% water (optimally).
So why, then, do so many of us find it difficult to believe that we need to be drinking enough water each and every day?
Now, with that said, our drinking water is also not necessarily perfect – did you know that the US Environmental Protection Agency has identified over 700 pollutants that regularly appear in drinking water (both from municipal water sources in additiona to water taken from wells or springs). The scary part is this – the EPA only monitors a select few organic and inorganic chemicals that could potentially be in your water!!
Where shoud I get my water?
There are a number of ways to get clean water, but your best bet is a good quality filtration system. If you choose to filter only the water that you drink, you should be sure to store your water in a ceramic or glass container to avoid contamination (as you have all likely heard, plastic is not the ideal way to store your water). Consider getting a filter for your shower as well – because bathing in the stuff is much the same as drinking it (your skin is your largest organ).
How much water should I drink?
Often people rely on the 8-10 rule, which is 8-10 glasses (8oz each) but folks that are drinking this much water are probably shooting a bit low. A good formula to use is this – take your current body weight in pounds and divide that number in half. Drink that much water in ounces in a day (32 ounces equals one litre). For example – if you weigh 160lbs, you should be drinking 80 ounces of water a day, or around 2.5 litres per day. Of course, if you exercise frequently or spend a lot of time in the heat be sure to up this number accordingly.
What about milk, juice, pop and coffee?
While made up of water, these things are not quite the same – we were designed to drink water, nothing else. Pop is full of sugar, and diet pop is full of nasty chemicals... none of which you need. Fruit juice is highly processed fruit and is also surprisingly full of sugar. You are much better off eating the fruit than trying to get your nutritents from the juice. Milk – well, it’s a long story, but suffice it to say – humans are the only animals on the earth that drink breast milk past the point of weaning – never mind drinking the milk of ANOTHER ANIMAL.
You will notice that a great many people are sensitive to dairy, and this is not by chance – we were never meant to consume the stuff!! I know that the marketing has told you something entirely different, but you can do the math if you think about it. Dairy is not good – and I will address this further in another article. As for coffee – I don’t like to be the bearer of bad news, but the caffeine isn’t that great for us (it is an addictive drug, after all) and is best avoided. It is worth noting that the effects of caffeine do not end at stimulation – it is also a diuretic, which does not help with our “hydration problem”. If you are a big coffee drinker, try to reduce your consumption – you will feel a lot better in the end.
Water equals life and subsequently health on this planet, so drink your share of clean pure water. If you can, invest in a high quality water filter – and skip the bottled water - it isn’t good for the environment and isn’t that great for you (most of it is just filtered tap water, and it’s been sitting in a plastic bottle for far too long).
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
What does this mean to you?
Have you found the beauty? All the beauty in the world?
Share it with the rest of the reading world...
Hit comment below.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Time for some gratitude....
To all of you
Far and wide
I am grateful to you
Yes you
And even you
You have taught me something
That I needed to learn
And if I didn't learn today
You will remind me again tomorrow
In your special way
And for that
I am grateful
Eternally grateful
Thank you
You were there when I rose
And there when I fell
You didn't judge
Even if it didn't look it
You supported me
I am grateful
For all that you give
For all that you take
For all that you are
For all that you aren't
You mean everything to me
And for that
I am thankful
Yes you
Life is an adventure...
Life is like a... well.. it's like an adventure. Each day is new, every moment has the potential for challenge and change. Challenge. I like that word.
(perhaps too much)
This weekend was about challenge I think. New classes starting, everything is busy... phones, emails and the rest of it... but there was more challenge to be had than your average weekend.
Meh, I guess that's part of the adventure.
It sometimes feels like this is all a test, and that there's a right choice and a wrong choice, and if you mess it up... you will end up where you don't want to be.
I suppose it's a bit like that.
Anyways, I digress.
This weekend the challenges included a long bike ride. I rode out to Bragg Creek and back, with the help of Allyson. Her back was all messed up, so she was my "support crew" - mostly that meant that she was responsible for ensuring that my arse got outta bed on Saturday morning, onto the bike, and to Bragg Creek. Without her, I wouldn't have made it... onto the bike :)
Surprisingly the ride out and back was simple. It wasn't really painful at all... not even my butt, which has not been on a bike for too long... which surprised me. Either way, it seems that I still have a significant base in the tank, which I dig.
I was pushing out around 34 km/h out and back on average... though my speedometer was working only when it felt like it, seemed to be the case.
The way back seemed a lot shorter :))
You ever have one of those days?
I had someone, who shall remain nameless, that I placed a great deal of trust in... more than anyone to date really... and she burned me. Hard. Harder than I have been burned before. And I got notice just before I started the ride back.
So, one might say that anger fueled that ride back. Seemed like it took about ten minutes to get from Bragg Creek back to home... all the while I had an audio CD rambling on in my ear about something. I don't know that I really heard a word of it... though I did hear the first part on the way out, and it was making a lot of sense to me... I couldn't quite wrap my head round what he was saying on the way back.
Ah well.
The ride was solid, that was what was really important about the day. Not the rest of the garbage that went on this weekend.
Too much garbage.
Garbage truck won't show up until Thursday.
Peace out my crazy friends... I love you all. Well, almost all of you ;)
Sunday, May 04, 2008
100 miles an hour
Yes, that's how it has been. Most days I don't know what day it is... so I made the executive decision to change my watch so that it displays the day of the week instead of the month (I could care less what month it is, but I do care what day of the week it is, as this dictates when I have to be where).
So there we have it.
It is Sunday now, and in two minutes it will be Monday.
And the work isn't remotely finished.
With Brooke and Jenn's help, I have turned my house into a home in about a month. I'm still not done though, and the CCRA will be sending out the search party soon if I don't get my poop together.
Bah, taxes.
Tonight I talked to a buddy who is going through the life change windmill. He is positive. Life is headed in the right direction.
Always is.
I know it :))
So... I figured it was time to stop in and update my blog, as I have been more than delinquent with keeping my peeps up to speed on life in general.
I have decided that 2008 will be about things Ultra.
Forget about normal, this is the year to get hardcore. I have signed up for two 24 hour events this fall, and for now I will keep the balance of the details under my hat... maybe to see who is still reading.
Who is out there??
Now, registering was the easy part... getting my ass out the door to get this done... well, that will be easy too. Soon.
Very soon.
Ok, enough of that... I have one million things to do, and it is Monday already!!
Hugs and love to all my friends out there, wherever you may be.
Hope life is awesome!!
Thursday, May 01, 2008
Where to begin?
Thank you everyone... I couldn't have done it without you!
It has been one year ago since my humble beginnings at Prince's Island Park in Calgary, and I am happy to say that Survivor Bootcamp has become a resounding success.
A success beyond my wildest dreams at that point in time.
My vision is coming to fruition and I could not be more happy or more grateful.
Thank you to all, far and wide, for bringing me to where I am today!!!
April 30, at the windmill, it started.
Crazy awesome!!
Hugs all... miss you!!
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
Start your engines!
Almost all moved into the new digs, but still cannot find anything but the bathroom, the bedroom and my computer ;)
Maybe next week.
Trade show in Calgary this weekend, bound to be fun :))
(ok, not so much :)
Training this morning included a whopping 1km swim with paddles. 20 minutes. Tomorrow 2km. Thursday 3km. Friday back to 4km. The arms were not the biggest fan of this idea, but whatever. Suck it up princess ;))
Back at home right now, running back in at 10.
Nap time.
16.5km on board for run today, let's get it done.
How's my peeps in virualand?
hugs all.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
The time is now...
(welcome masses)
I only have two official races planned for the year, and the rest is going to be made up as I go, but I have made a decision to do an ultra this year... not sure which one, but I will keep you posted.
I think that the Death Race is calling my name, as much as I hate to admit it... but it is doable, as I have time to get my lazy winter arse ready to do this thing.
Ah yes... I agreed to teach an intermediate-advanced running course starting April 5th at a downtown club. I am really keen to get that started - once a week, but will be providing everyone a training plan going forward... really want to get the people running, and running fast :)
What else?
Business is going gangbusters, and everything is coming together perfectly... I am very excited about the upcoming season, as we are going to have a lot of fun this summer!
Woohoo... folks, the party is very nearly started :)
Let's get on with training.
I will see about an update tomorrow with the plan!!
hugs all
Saturday, March 08, 2008
Letting go of it all...
Have I said that before?
Yeah, I think that I really have :))
The lesson of the year is about letting go. Attachment to all things holds us back. Detachment allows us to move forward.
Like really.
It's not complicated - it's like trying to drive around in your car with your emergency brake on. You will move forward, but not likely very quickly, and not without smoke ;)
I have confirmed that life is just like that.
You take that brake off, and you move forward. It is inevitable... it is beautiful.
Life is awesome... some days it's hard to get out of bed in the morning, but that doesn't mean I am not enjoying myself, it just means that sleep is optional right now ;)
So... where are you at my friends?
There's a few of you out there that have put miles on in the way of progress in the last two years, but I haven't heard from you. I trust that all is well... but feel free to tell me how it's going.
I love hearing from you, even if you don't hear from me... know that :)
Things are progressing rapidly, business is set to more than triple this year, and I know it will... just putting all the people and the pieces into place to ensure our success in the coming years. It's looking awesome, and I am stoked.
I am moving in a few weeks... as much as I despise moving, I am going to have an abundance of help, and it's time to lose the attachment to some of the material things that I have grown attached to in my life, along with the slightly less material things ;)
I think that a celebration is in order - soon I think.
Ok folks... hold me to that.
Stand by for more... it's coming!!
Sunday, February 03, 2008
¿San Jose?
Dexter was awesome in driving us all over the countryside, and we ended back up in San Jose, nothing spectacular to report here, and we probably should have headed North from Cañas to be sure.
So today, I think it will be our mission to head from San Jose to near Liberia, or right back into Liberia. Time will tell... we do not have a schedule yet.
Last night we stayed in the lap of luxury - a bed and breakfast for $70, which actually included breakfast and HOT water. Well, warm water... but it was the closest thing to hot that I have experienced (minus the sun) since I arrived last Monday. Hot shower was awesome!
Not a lot to report, but thought I would post a quickie anyways...
Hope all is well, if even cold, back home. I will be ¨back in it¨ within about 48 hours.
Umm... yeah, looking forward to that.
See you all soon!
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Hola de Montezuma!
Ok... just to expand on the above - lesson one for today... bring CASH to Montezuma!! There is no bank here, no bank machine, and no way to access money. A good portion of today was spent driving around in a pseudo-taxi from town to town, through the bush it would seem. Anyways... suffice it to say, bring cash to Montezuma (I am certain it says that in the guide book, but seeing as I don't have one... I wouldn't know ;)
So... I didn't spend a day in the sun and I was burned... and I have been burned in more than one way now (for instance, the $40 cab ride to get cash today was a pretty good burn ;) Sonofa.
Ok... enough about burning.
Montezuma is beautiful, relatively quiet, and I believe it to be pretty safe... everything seems to be pretty relaxed here. Relaxed is what I dig :)
I hope that this message finds you all well and warm back home... it is frigging hot here!
(ok, enough taunting I suppose)
Hope everyone is well, check back for another dispatch soon!!
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Today was... a day :*)
- Toilet paper
- Soap included
- TOWEL included!!
- Hot water in the shower (if only it would work)
- AIR Conditioning!!
So, I have decided that not having a map or a guidbook was the worst possible decision. If only... d'oh. My favourite last words.
I find myself in Puntarenas, which is somewhere on the West Coast according to Google Maps. I seem to be surrounded by water, that is what I do know, and incredibly enough, I have internet access across from my hotel. Damn I am hungry.
Yes... so in my infinite of infinite wisdom, I figured I would take a run before dinner, then I found myself running around in circles looking for my hotel... three laps later, I found my hotel again, along with an Internet Cafe and a convenience store.
Next stop dinner.
Not sure where I will end up next, but guessing that I will shoot for San Jose... I really want to visit the housing projects more than anything, though having trouble connecting with Dexter too... argh.
To be continued...
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
No manure, no magic...
Awesome really... it explains a lot :))
Hehe. It doesn't make the manure smell better, but it does explain the need for the manure.
Anyways... the holidays are done, the partying isn't (I figure that 2008 ought be a party unto itself, why let the party end?? I won't let it ;)
In reflection today, I realized that (once again) there is meaning in everything, but the meaning that we find is our own. We can apply meaning to anything, and that can be our truth, but it is only our truth. It might, by some "coincidence" also be someone else's truth, but that's not relevant. When we apply meaning to something, it is our meaning... and it may only be true to us.
Yeah, the forest is thick baby... but look deeper.
We choose to apply meaning to every single experience in life, from birth to death. No experience is actually positive or negative, happy or sad - unless we say it is... that is us applying meaning to an experience. It is our personal truth.
Death is not bad, it's you that decides it is bad.
Birth is not good, unless you decide that it is.
Try to filter life through those glasses, and things will become more clear.
Choose meaning, and try to choose the positive meaning... why piss around with the negative? There's no point, no point at all.
Ok... /rant off :)
I hope that everyone's new year is off to a fantastic start.
For me, work begins again tomorrow, and I have to see if my pants still fit, then adjust the lifestyle accordingly (back to the grindstone folks, the elastic pants aren't allowed at work ;)
Hugs all.
Peace out.
(hugs implied)